Friday, January 8, 2010

787 Flight Test Hours

Here's a spreadsheet of the 787 Flight Test Hours on a cumulative basis that I'm going to attempt to keep up to date on a daily basis. This is a page you may want to come back to so bookmark it. Please note that the times I get are from Flightaware but I try to verify the time aloft as best as I can. This may not be 100% accurate but I'll try my best to get it close. Suggestions are welcomed.


Anonymous said...

Everything tracks save for the 5 hours five hours on the 8th.

Only see a 16 and a 29 minute flight on the 8th.

Uresh said...

Actuually the 5 hour flight is correct as I checked the actual flight landing time from the email notification that Flightaware sent out.

Uresh said...

Actuually the 5 hour flight is correct as I checked the actual flight landing time from the email notification that Flightaware sent out.

Unknown said...

Hi Uresh

This will be a very interesting spreadsheet once it starts building up!

One point though is that there are often multiple flights (take offs and landings) included in one days flying. Would you consider breaking each day up into its individual flights so the overall number of cycles for each frame can be recorded?

Uresh said...

Yup, I might do that Dan. thanks.