Boeing Ready to Deliver 787 Pilot Training on Global Scale
Network of training devices qualified in five locations, three continents
SEATTLE, April 18, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Boeing (NYSE: BA) has achieved multiple qualifications for its worldwide network of 787 training campuses. The qualifications mean Boeing Flight Services has training devices that are ready to be used with an approved training course in locations around the globe. "The innovations of the 787 Dreamliner don't end with the airplane itself," said Sherry Carbary, vice president, Boeing Flight Services. "Boeing is changing the game through continued innovation in our advanced suite of training technologies. By bringing this cutting-edge training directly to airlines in the regions of the world where they're based and serve their passengers, we're offering our customers the flexibility and efficiency of flight crew training where they need it, when they need it," Carbary said. Full-flight simulators and other flight training devices for commercial pilot training require qualifications from each airline's home country regulatory agency. Boeing is qualifying its network of 787 training devices with multiple regulators in order to allow airlines the maximum options and regional locations for training their crews. "Providing our airline customers with cost effective flexibility is a top priority," said Roei Ganzarski, chief customer officer, Boeing Training & Flight Services. "We've invested in world-class courseware, trained a global team of experienced instructors, and now have certified a worldwide network of simulators, all to provide 787 operators an efficient and effective 787 training solution." Boeing operates 787 training campuses in five locations: Seattle, Singapore, Tokyo, London Gatwick and Shanghai. As part of the qualification process, Boeing demonstrated, with the regulators' concurrence, that the training devices located at the five campuses around the world were similar or identical in the way they operate. The qualifications from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on behalf of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) will allow Boeing Flight Services to deliver the same quality of training at all locations. Last month the CAAC qualified the Shanghai Boeing training campus for 787 training including the full-flight 787 simulator and the 787 flight training device. With this achievement, Boeing has received more than 20 separate qualifications in five locations on three continents in support of 787 entry into service beginning later this year.
Thank you very much for the update on eengines and nice to see you had time post this
Do you know if the Package B Trents are being installed on the production frames being prepared for fall delivery to ANA ? Or will they be delivered with Package A versions and upgraded later? I saw a picture of LN08 in the ATS hanger with engines already hung.
As far as I know the early delivery Trent powered 787s will be package "A". I'm not sure when they'll be delivering production package "B" yet.
Hello Uresh,
Do you have any information about what is happening with the testing of the GE powered fleet. ZA005 has not flown since March 25, and ZA006 has not flown since April 3. I would assume they are in some ground testing phase, but it seems strange that there is no airborne activity.
Any insight would be appreciated.
I'll try to see what's happening with those two planes. My guess is that they're in for ground testing but I'll see.
I see that ZA004 is back in Yuma, so I assume that the Trent "B" package engine change is delayed again. Could they be doing the work in Yuma?
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