Wednesday, March 1, 2017

787 Results for February 2017

Testing Complete3
To be assembled in Everett196
To be assembled in Charleston147
Parts Arriving6
Undergoing final assembly7
Storage/Change Incorporation and Re-Work0
Change Incorporation and Re-Work2
Pre-Flight Prep9
Production Testing6
Non Customer Flight Tests1
Ready for Delivery1

Boeing delivered 9 787 during February (2 787-8s  and 7 787-9s), 1 short of what I expected them to deliver.  Boeing has delivered 21 787s in 2017 (4 787-8s and 17 787-9s) and 521 787s since program deliveries began (328 787-8s and 193 787-9s).  The one airplane that wasn't delivered was ZD007 (LN 16, ET-ATH) for Ethiopian Airlines.  I don't have any information as to why it wasn't delivered but since the airplane flew last week on a VIP flight between Paine Field and Boeing Field in Seattle, I think we can rule out any issues with the aircraft it self.  The aircraft has yet to fly its customer flight for final acceptance.  I am speculating that the delivery delay may have more to do with obtaining financing for the final payment to Boeing since EX-IM Bank still cannot approve financing over $10 million.

The only notable delivery was the first 787-9 for Korean Air which was delivered on February 22nd.

Production of the 787s continued at the 12/month pace as 12 airplanes were rolled out of Boeing factories including the first 787-10.

Boeing Photo
Boeing Photo

Boeing Photo

Boeing Photo
Boeing started final assembly work on at least 9 787s including the first GE powered 787-10.  I expect his airplane to roll out around late March/early April.  I expect that the first flight of the 787-10 should occur within the first 10 days of March as the aircraft is currently undergoing ground gauntlet testing.

Because of the low number of deliveries coupled with the high production output, the 787 inventory around Charleston and Everett has grown.  The efficiency ratio is 1.33 in February for the entire 787 program.  For Everett, the efficiency ration stands at 1.0 while for Charleston the ratio is 2.0 due to the low number of 787 deliveries.

Boeing did grow the 787 backlog by adding yet another unknown Chinese airline, this time Juneyao Airlines.  They ordered 5 787-9s and curiously while both the airline and Boeing made an announcement of the order, it is listed on Boeing's O & D site as unidentified as are most Chinese orders.

I hope to have another post soon of 787 delivery and production expectations for March