Saturday, November 2, 2013

Boeing delivers 9 787s in October, up to 98 total deliveries

Boeing had delivered 9 787s in the month of October and all things considered that was a very good month.  The production test flights in Everett was slowed down by a thick fog that hung around Everett for days and reduced visibility to much less than half a mile.  Certainly not good conditions to fly.  The delays caused by the weather had probably pushed back a few delivery dates to early November for a few Everett built 787s but also a factor was customer readiness to take these airplanes.

Of the notable airlines whose 787s are ready to be delivered to them are China Southern (2 aircraft), Hainan, and Air India. I do think that these aircraft along with one each for JAL and united will be delivered during the first week of November.  There seems to have been a knock on effect of airplanes delivering a little bit later than planned. A number of 78s that were expected to be delivered by late September were delivered in early October.  I expect there to be a similar occurrence this month with the 6 aircraft that have yet to be delivered.

Now that we are closing in on the end of the year, question turns to how many 787 will Boeing eventually deliver to its customers.  As of the end of October Boeing has delivered 49 787s.  This is 3 more than the number they delivered in 2012 and their target still remains above 60.  They can reach that target by the end of November.

Here's how I think November and December will shake out in terms of 787 deliveries:

Air India - 2
ANA - 1
China Southern - 3
Hainan - 3
ILFC/Sky Blue Holdings - 1
ILFC/UAE Presidential Flight - 1
Japan Airlines - 2
Norwegian - 1
QANTAS/Jetstar - 2
Qatar Airways - 1
TUI Travel - 1
United Airlines - 1

This is a total of 19 aircraft that Boeing certainly can deliver within the next two months.  This would bring the total 787s deliveries in 2013 to 68 and 117 overall.  Boeing needs to start clearing out 787s both at Everett and North Charleston as the company prepares to increase the 787 production rate to 10/month in December.

At the same time Boeing also plans on getting the two remaining 787-9s into the flight test program.  Boeing just rolled out the 3rd and final dedicated test flight aircraft, ZB021 (LN 139, N789ZB). I expect that this aircraft should fly by late November - early December.  We're still waiting for ZB002 (LN 133, N789FT) to fly and I suspect that this will occur sometime within the next one week.  ZB001 flew back to Everett a few days ago.  The reason is unknown but I am guessing that it can be so Boeing can change out some flight test equipment before resuming flight tests.  To date, ZB001 (LN 126, N789EX) has accumulated over 150 flight test hours (I'm using Flightaware as my source).  However, by the end of the year all three 787-9 flight test airframes should be deep into the flight test program and recording an increasing number of hours. I expect the first delivery of the 787-9 to Air New Zealand by about April of next year.

Finally, I'd like to leave you all with an idea you all might want to try in your spare time:

Full 787 List

Current 787 Production List

Delivered 787 List

787 Monthly Delivery Tracking

787 Customer Delivery

787-9 Flight Test Hours



  1. More and more these days, it seems that in our "normal" transactions with the banks, they are the ones wearing the proverbial ski masks.

  2. I think air India or jal will be getting the 100th aircraft. My money is on air India.

  3. JAL821 hasn't flown since October 25th according to Flightradar24 and it isn't listed in the JAL fleet according to Planespotters as of today. So the question of interest is where is it?. The evidence suggests it is on the ground at Everitt but that's easily checked. So it's delivered but not collected.
