Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is Boeing holding back 787 deliveries?

I'm not the one to be into conspiracy theories but with several Dreamliners waiting on the flightline at both Charleston and Everett and seemingly done with their customer acceptance flights, I think Boeing is planning to deliver many of these aircraft at the same time so that the airline that will take the 100th delivery remains safely anonymous until the last moment.

Call me paranoid but it does seem that way.  Boeing is flying quite a few test flights some within a day of the previous flight so that they can try and deliver them by October 31st.

Lastly, Matt Cawby tweeted that ZB001 (LN 133, N789FT) has its registration sticker attached thus indicating that first flight of this  aircraft is imminent.  I am guessing that it may take place by the end of this week.

Full 787 List

Current 787 Production List

Delivered 787 List

787 Monthly Delivery Tracking

787 Customer Delivery

787-9 Flight Test Hours



  1. You may be on to something Uresh. Boeing is playing it cool like another competitor I know. Maximize the moment! Use spent effort on wise displays. The 100th delivery will go to...? Will Boeing reach 120 by December 31? I thinks so,rounding out the year in fine fashion. The work over-time will come in handy for the Boeing work-force.

  2. Uresh, I think your point about who will be number 100, should be who will not be number 100. I do not think that Boeing want to give 1000 to AI or China, so my guess is either JA or UA.

  3. I think whatever is left to deliver this month will "contractually" deliver on the 31st, no fanfare, no big deal, no "100th Delivery" banner.

  4. Hi Uresh, Do you know why the Jetstar has a Boeing Registration number. Seems not the usual. Thoughts please.

  5. Probably doing some minor tests that's mandated by the FAA

  6. I think 100th will go to ANA as a thank ypu

  7. My guess is instead they are waiting for some new software load that suppresses those false error messages (that made the pilots turn around going back to the departing airports).

  8. 2 things: Customers have already paid Boeing the lion's share for these aircraft, so to have their money sitting on the tarmac and the plane not integrated into their fleets making money doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
    2/ With 8 ready to deliver, Boeing stands to receive at least $80m, not chump change.

    So purposely letting 8 aircraft sit seems to be too hard to believe, but how else do you explain it after #1 and #2 above?

  9. A "Boeing" registration on a painted airplane indicates it has an experimental rather than production ticket assigned to it. Which could mean they will use it to certify something not being delivered on that airplane or it's going to have more EWA flights than would normally be expected on a "production" airplane and it's in the experimental not production inventory.

  10. greg must be right - only delivery was to Aero Mexico

  11. coolguy, if you and Greg are right, then technically, ZA235, 381, 434, 386, 292, and 446 SHOULDN'T be listed as "ready for delivery"?

  12. What else to explain over $1 BILLION worth of planes sitting on the tarmac not generating revenues for the carriers?

    All is speculation of course. Are you aware of reasons why these aircraft have not flown out? AI has their financing in place, so that's no longer their excuse.

    Some of these have been ready for delivery for more than 3 weeks.

    Eventually we will know yet it is very unusual for aircraft not to be delivered.

  13. RBA took 446 today and GUN (China Southern)has already taken two this month -- taking four in one month is probably a bit much for them. It would be nice if there was a software update available but I doubt it would take several days to accomplish and the customers probably would have delayed their C flights until it was installed.

  14. I would assume it is due to November deliveries. If all these would have been delivered in October it would have left very few (around three-four) deliveries for the next month - leading to awkward if not misplaced and misguided questions. This way a semblance of consistency in the pace of deliveries is maintained (9 in Oct, 9 or 10 in Nov).
