Thursday, December 1, 2016

Boeing Delivers 9 787s in November, Eyeing 500th delivery by Dec. 20th

Testing Complete3
To be assembled in Everett147
To be assembled in Charleston106
Parts Arriving6
Undergoing final assembly10
Storage/Change Incorporation and Re-Work0
Change Incorporation and Re-Work3
Pre-Flight Prep7
Production Testing6
Non Customer Flight Tests1
Ready for Delivery6

Boeing delivered 9 787s during November, raising their running yearly total to 126 787s for 2016 and to 489 aircraft since program deliveries began in September 2011.  The most notable delivery was a leased 787-9 that is being operated by Air France.  It's there first 787 and they are scheduled to receive 4 to 5 more 787s during the next year.

Production continued at 12/month though a drilling mistake almost scrapped a 787-9 being built for Xiamen Airlines, it turns out that Boeing is able to make repairs but the airplane will be delivered a little late.

Boeing rolled out 12 787s (4 -8s and 8 -9s) while starting final assembly on 12 more (2 -8s and 10 -9s).  this includes the first 787-9 for Korean Air.  During November 787 production efficiency ratio was a little high at 1.33 owing to the low number of 787 deliveries made during the month.  The efficiency ratio for Everett was 1.17 and at Charleston it was higher at 1.67.  Only 3 Charleston built airframes were delivered in November.

Looking forward to December Boeing is planning to deliver 11 787s and finish 2016 with the 500th delivery which at this moment appears to be a 787-8 for Avianca.  This aircraft is ZA674 (LN 513, N793AV).  It will be the last delivery in 2016 and the 500th 787 delivery overall on December 20th.

Other notable deliveries is Xiamen Airlines first 787-9 and Royal Air Maroc's final 787-8 that they have on order.  Boeing will deliver 4 87-8s and 7 787-9s.

Of course the big news is the first 787-10 will start final assembly around Dec. 5th.  Today, the main fuselage and rear fuselage was moved into 88-30 into position 0 were it will be prep for final assembly.  The forward fuselage, section 41 has not arrived from Wichita as of yet but should arrive soon.  Final assembly will be begin when the main fuselage and the wings are in the wing/body join position 1.

First 787-10 entering Final Assembly Position 0 in building 88-30.  Boeing Photo.
Over the next 3 weeks Boeing will send production 787-8 and 787-9 to Everett for final assembly instead of splitting production between Charleston and Everett.  This is to ensure smooth continuous 787 production in case there are issue that come up with testing and assembly of the first 787-10 that may interfere with 787 production.  ZC001 (LN 528) will start final assembly around Dec. 5th and the next 787 to enter the Charleston final assembly building will be loaded into position 1 around Dec. 19th.  I anticipate that the aircraft will not roll out until the second half of January, 2017.  I anticipate first flight to take place by late February 2017.

Lastly, it appears that Aeroflot's order for the 787 is now going to be transferred to Russian leasing firm Avia Capital Services. The lessor will start taking delivery of an initial 7 aircraft in 2019 with deliveries running through 2022. Aeroflot had 22 787s (18 -8s and 4 -9s) on order. Aeroflot is sticking with the A350 order as well as maintaining their 777s.

787 Full Production Table


  1. Uresh, is there any update on the Charleston paint shop?

  2. Uresh,

    What's the "efficiency ratio" and how does it relate to differing locations? Thank you

  3. Last Friday Air France took delivery of their first 787, which does not show in the "delivered" tab.

  4. Yes it does. It's been there since Nov. 29th when I updated it myself.

  5. With five aircraft to go, is delivery #500 still expected to be to Avianca?

    On a different note, do you think that Trump temporarily focusing his attention on Boeing in the context of the Air Force One replacement have a broader impact on Boeing's airliner business (e.g., Ex-Im Bank funding)?



  6. Yes Avianca still expected to be 500.

    More than AF1 the broader implications of Trump
    on Boeing's business is Ex-I'm Bank and relations with China which is a significant part of their order backlog and lastly is trade relations with the rest of the world.
