Saturday, October 22, 2016

Singapore Airlines to receive first 787-10 in May, 2018

According to sources, Singapore Airlines will receive the first 787-10 in May 2018.  The aircraft in question is ZC003 (LN 622) which is the fourth 787-10 that will be built in Charleston.

If the variable number block holds true then Singapore Airlines should also receive the 1st and 3rd 787-10 flight test aircraft, the first of which will start final assembly in December.  The delivery dates of the first two flight test aircraft have changed as noted below:

ZC001 delivery date moved from 7/18/2018 to 10/10/2018
ZC036 delivery date moved from 8/1/2018 to 12/17/2018

ZC002 delivery date is still listed as August 2018

This means that Singapore Airlines should receive the first three 787-10 to be delivered in 2018 and Boeing should make 15-17 787-10 deliveries in 2018.  I still don't know to whom ZC036 (LN 565) will be delivered.

787 Production and Disposition Table
787 Current Production Table


  1. Why only 4 -10 deliveries in 2018? I count 16 in your chart with 2018 delivery dates. Most of the customers are not yet known of course.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Any idea when Air Canada must excercise their options by? Will they? No current -10's on their order book

  4. ANA and Japan Airlines’s 787-9 will be registrated as follows:

    ANA: ZB700(L/N633) will be JA896A.

    Japan Airlines: ZB426(L/N632) will be JA871J.

  5. Hi Uresh, Possible correction to your 787 Production and delivery trends table. Charleston had 6 deliveries, not 5.

  6. The current version of the "787 Production and Disposition" has 787 total dispositions! Propitious! Cheers all.
