Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Boeing looking to meet 3rd quarter 787 delivery target

Testing Complete3
To be assembled in Everett164
To be assembled in Charleston116
Parts Arriving6
Undergoing final assembly10
Storage/Change Incorporation and Re-Work0
Change Incorporation and Re-Work4
Pre-Flight Prep10
Production Testing3
Non Customer Flight Tests1
Ready for Delivery5

A little more than mid way through September Boeing has already delivered 8 Dreamliners including another early build aircraft to Ethiopian and 7 787-9s.  There are a further 4 787s that have completed their customer flights and should be delivered over the next week.  A thirteenth 787, an early build aircraft for Air Austral (LN 15, ZD001, F-OLRB) is still undergoing painting in Victorville, Ca. and was tentatively scheduled to be delivered at the end of the this month but I have no further information as of yet to it's final delivery date.  It may deliver in October.

If Boeing delivers the 4 airplanes that are ready for delivery, they would have made 12 787 deliveries in September, 36 for 3Q2016 and 104 for 2016 (they're at 100 total deliveries as of today, September 21, 2016).  Total deliveries are now at 463 and should achieve at least 467 by the end of the month.  That would leave 33 deliveries needed to reach 500 program deliveries, which is an average of 11 per month during the 4Q2016.  Boeing has tentatively scheduled 12 deliveries in October (13 is LN 15 is to be delivered in October and not September), 12 in November (including one early build 787-8) and 10 in December. That would imply 502 total deliveries by the end of 2016.

Boeing is already getting a a jump on flight testing for October deliveries.  They have already flown 5 airplanes that are to be delivered next month and are to conduct 6 more B-1 flights by the end of the month and one more in early October.

787 Full Production Table

1 comment:

  1. Uresh - From the "load date" to the "First flight date" is approx 50 days for the planes ready for delivery.
    - Is this expected to decrease further or is this the norm going forward with the present manufacturing plan?
    - What are these times, in days, for the 737 and 777?
    Thank you
