Thursday, June 23, 2016

Boeing-Iran 787

A little more detail came out regarding the proposed commercial aircraft deal between Boeing and Iran.  There are no 787s in the deal but here is the breakout:

Direct purchase:
4 x 747-8I
15 x 777-9
15 x 777-300ER
6 x 737 NG
40 x 737MAX

29 x 737 NG

In an unrelated note to follow up my previous blog post.  ZB416 (LN 447, JA880A) will fly its C-1 flight on July 21st after returning from Farnborough.  The aircraft is due to be delivered on July 26th.  Thus it appears Boeing will deliver 14 787s this month, not 15.

1 comment:

  1. I find all the 737NG (sale and lease) fascinating. Ok, not 787 related, but fascinating. This very good news for Boeing.

    Neil (Lightsaber on
