Friday, May 17, 2013

May 787 Delivery Predictions

Here is a list of 787s that I expect to be delivered during the remainder of this month. Please note that the deliveries to the Chinese carriers are contingent upon the aircraft obtaining its airworthiness certificate from Chinese civil aviation authorities but booth China Southern and Hainan have said they expect their deliveries later this month.

Air India - ZA241 (LN 72, VT-ANM) - so far had 5 test flights and may have one more before being delivered

Hainan - 2 787 from Charleston - ZA431 (LN 76, B-2722) & ZA433 (LN 81, B-2723) pending certification and customer test flights

China Southern - ZA380 (LN 34, B-2725) pending certification and customer test flights

JAL - ZA184 (LN 89, JA830A) had three test flights thus far, may have one more to do

Thomson Airways - ZA317 (LN 92, G-TUIA) - Thomson's first 787 has had 5 test flights thus far.

These six together with the two already delivered would allow Boeing to claim 8 deliveries in May which would be a very healthy re-start to deliveries after three and a half months of growing inventory at Everett and Charleston.



  1. What is the difference between "Preflight prep" and "Production Testing?

  2. JAL184 had a C-2 on the 11th so I would expect it to be just waiting delivery at this point.

    TUI317 flew a C-2 & C-3 today so as long as the second flight was clean it should also be ready. TUI318 flew a C-1 on the 15th and may be ready also.

  3. "Preflight prep" would include everything up to the initial B-1 flight which depending on where he draws the line on his spreadsheet would be -- paint, fuel dock, and all the ground tests. Production testing begins when the airplane is released to the flight crew for the B-1 flight.

  4. The stranded JAL 787 is on its way home

  5. Somewhat off topic but...JAL's JA829J, the fire bird from Boston, just departed Logan International Airport bound for Tokyo. She performed a "wing wave" on climbout. The next time we see a Boeing 787 here in Boston will be on June 1st when JAL service is resumed. Local spotters will be out en masse to welcome the flight.

  6. Great pics of old VT-AND getting a new battery here:
