Friday, September 21, 2012

United's 1st 787 could be delivered very soon

UPDATE (9/23/12, 1:33PM EDT): For real this time, This popped up on Flightaware not too long ago: this suggests that United took delivery but it's interesting to note that this is a test flight to Grant Co. where Boeing conducts a lot of test flights.

UPDATE (9/22/12, 12:55PM EDT): Now getting word that it's still in Seattle.  Trying to get a confirmation on departure.

UPDATE (9/22/12, 9:55AM EDT): Several sources are saying that ZA288 (LN 53, N20904) delivered yesterday, went to Boeign Field and this morning is flyingto Houston as UA 6864.  It doesn't show up on Flightaware.  Delivery ceremony might be taking place in Houston.

Right now a rumor but the first 787 for United is rumored to be ready for delivery and could be delivered anytime between now and the end of this weekend.  Noting solid yet but I'm watching Flightaware for movement.  Earlier today United's pilots took ZA288 (LN 53, N20904) for a spin around Washington State.  The aircraft is rumored to be ready for delivery and may go to Boeing Field either before or for the delivery ceremony.


  1. It is real close to delivery because if you type in it shows up where just yesterday it didn't. Qatar is not that close yet, neither is Hainan, China Southern or LAN. Those airlines are estimated to have the next 1st deliveries.

  2. LAN already has a 787 in service.

    Urech thanks for the updates!

  3. according to a UA mx who posted on anet it is on its way to IAH. So delivery took place. Should arrive about 10am CT.

  4. UA6864 took off from Boeing field at 6am on 9/22 and arrives in IAH at 9:48am

  5. That is not correct. It's still in Seattle ands will leave either this afternoon or tomorrow morning. They're still working on some custom software upgrades.

  6. Update: C1 flight (customer test flight) has actually not yet taken place. Planned for today or tomorrow. Then there will be three days of crew training. A photoshoot flight also needs to take place. So no delivery until late in the week, probably.

  7. Uresh,
    Apparently, your sources had it right. LN53 must have delivered yesterday and they are doing custom work for UA on the frame.

  8. If the flight is filed as a United Flight instead of a Boeing Flight at the origin. Doesn't that mean ownership by United regardless of where it flies. United flew it Grant county to assure all changes are complete before taking it back to Houston. What is your thought on why the flight was registered as a United Flight to Moses lake area?

  9. My opinion: Boeing made a contractual delivery to UA for this 787. Paperwork was signed and money exchanged hands. Since it flew to Moses Lake under a UA flight number and not Boeing this reinforces this belief. Also this source is also saying that the delviery was made: Boeing and UA are probably going to have a big delivery celebration either at Boeing Field or in Houston.
