Friday, August 24, 2012

787 deliveries on tap for the last week of August

Today, according to sources, Boeing may have made a contractual delivery of Air India's first 787.  ZA236 (LN 35, VT-ANH) was seen at the Boeing Charleston Delivery Center today and a source did say that the aircraft may be delivering today (contractually). The contractual delivery date is the date that the paperwork is signed and the final delivery payment is made to Boeing by the customer. When asked if this was the case, Boeing spokesperson, Candy Eslinger, replied: "The Air India delivery team is in South Carolina for the delivery scheduled next week."  This is confirmation that Boeing will be delivering at least one if not two 787s to Air India this month.  I have heard that ZA236 would deliver on Aug. 27 (ceremonial delivery perhaps) and fly away that afternoon/evening for New Delhi.  For now there isn't any confirmation about the contractual delivery being made though I suspect that this event may have taken place today (Aug. 24th). In addition to ZA236 being delivered this month, a source has told me that the following deliveries may take place during the next week.  Please take this information with a grain of salt as we have seen that some may not materialize due to different circumstances.

ZA536 (LN 68, CC-BBA) to LAN on Aug. 27
ZA461 (LN 58, A7-BCB) to Qatar Airways on Aug. 30
ZA118 (LN 67, JA813A) to ANA on Aug. 30
ZA182 (LN 70, JA828J) to Japan Airlines on Aug. 30 (this airplane has had only one test flight)
ZA233 (LN 29, VT-AND) to Air India on Aug. 31

Additionally ZA237 (LN 46, VT-ANI) is almost ready for delivery but doesn't have a delivery date as of yet.  It appears that Air India is trying to pick up one delivery ready 787 each week so it could be that ZA237 could deliver in September.  There are two other 787s for Air India both built at Charleston that have yet to take their B-1 flights so I anticipate that those deliveries may happen in late September but more likely in October.

There is also further information on September deliveries which, once again, should be taken with a grain of salt.

ZA119 (LN 69, JA814A) to ANA on Sept. 12
ZA263 (LN 71, ET-AOR) to Ethiopian on Sept. 18 (hasn't taken its B-1 yet)
ZA288 (LN 53, N20904) to United on Sept. 18
ZA178 (LN 27, JA824J) to Japan Airlines on Sept. 20 (hasn't taken its B-1 yet)
ZA463 (LN 64, A7-BCL) to Qatar Airways on Sept. 25 (hasn't taken its B-1 yet)
ZA135 (LN 66, JA815A) to ANA on Sept. 25 (hasn't taken its B-1 yet)
ZA382 (LN 43, B-2727) to China Southern on Sept. 27 (hasn't taken its B-1 yet)

All told the total number of deliveries in August and September may total 16, IF this scheduled is kept.


  1. Matt Cawby tweeted that ZA182/LN70 had a customer walkthrough last week so that should be ready for a C1 soon.

  2. Even if there is only one more delivery this month it will be the best month so far with 4 :)

    I think its safe to expect very few on that list to make it before aug31, JAL is certain to miss that target IMO.

    QR and LAN seem to be the safest bet to make it.

  3. What makes you say that? Do you any info that you can share to back up your belief? Which ones won't be delivered this coming week of the ones I listed?

  4. I enjoy your blog Uresh - thanks for the work. I think it would be interesting to add a column to your 787 Production and Disposition Table that lists the date the airframe was pushed out of assembly. I don't know how easy it would be to add at this point, but I think it would add to the analysis of how fast planes are being prepared for B-1 flight. Cheers.

  5. Hi Uresh,

    In order for some of those dates to be achieved, Boeing will need to shave off a lot of process time from previous aircraft. Based on historical (not incl. exceptions) data, planes have spent 23-26 days from first flight to delivery. So based on that, LAN/68 would deliver 29Aug-1Sep, ANA/67 between 3-6 Sep, JAL/70 between 8-11 Sep, UAL/53 between 11-14 Sep and ANA/69 between 15-18 Sep.

    Also, historical planes have spent 20-23 days from finishing painting to first flight. That would put delivery of the following aircraft at JAL/27 between 22-28 Sep, CSN/43 between 27Sep-3Oct and QAT/64 between 30Sep-5Oct.

    Interestingly UAL/53 is the only one tracking ahead of schedule. LAN/68 and CSN/53 on schedule while all the others will need help from the accelerated process at Boeing to meet their dates.


  6. Hi Uresh - i think it's actually ETH/71 that entered the paint hangar and not QAT/57. It was a white tail plane (not grey) and ETH/71 is no longer seen on the flightline as of saturday.
