Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting close to the finish line

UPDATE (10AM) ZA236 is flying back to Everett today. This is a strong indication that F&R/ETOPs testing is complete. The F&R/ETOPs certification testing for the GEnx-1B powered 787s was based out of Boeing Field. With the airplane heading back to Everett the testing appears complete and this airplane can be released in order to prepare it for delivery to Air India.

Boeing's efforts to complete 787 flight testing with the GEnx-1B engines are close to being completed if they aren't finish already. ZA236 has flown just under 153 flight test hours thus far. The aircraft needed to fly about 150 F&R/ETOPs flight hours to finish the certification program for this version of the 787. Boeing has not confirmed that they are finished with the tests as of yet. The true indication that they are complete is when ZA236 flies back to Everett to finish preparations for delivery to Air India.

As far getting other 787s ready for delivery, there are about 10 787 at the Everett Modification Center that are undergoing change incorporation or shim inspection in the rear fuselage as well as one airplane in 40-24. Three of these airplanes were aircraft that are close to being delivered (to Japan Airlines or ANA) including ZA177 (LN23, JA822J), ZA179 (LN33, JA225J) and ZA117 (LN42, JA806A). Once these airplanes are inspected and repaired (if needed) then they will continue they typical preparations for delivery. The list of 787s at EMC is below with the locations highlighted in green. These are the airplanes I anticipate will be the next few that will be delivered. Interestingly enough these include a few of the very early build airplanes, ZA100 (LN 7), ZA534 (LN 10), and ZA501 (LN 12).

Jim Albaugh, speaking in Singapore has said that up to 55 787s would have to be inspected and repaired for the flaw. To put it in proper context, this would include all the airframes from LN 4 to LN 59, the latter of which is currently in position 1 in 40-26 and just starting final assembly. This number also includes the 5 airframes that have already been delivered to ANA but does not include any airplanes sections that have yet to be delivered to Everett for final assembly.


  1. Wow......this means Japan Airlines and Air India both are going to recieve B787 next month. Moreover there are around 10 highlighted frames in EMC, does this means 10-13(including those to be delivered in next month) would be delivered in the next 2 months. I have one more question to ask,if the E&T/ETOPs type certification and the boeing and costumers test flight certification will be completed in max 2 weeks then why Boeing is planning to deliver B787s in the march end?

  2. No, Air India probably won't get it next month, it depends on how compensation talks go between AI and Boeing. Also Beoing won't have 10 787s to deliver next month. Just because the airplanes are in EMC doesn't mean they'll be delivered next month. It depends on how much work they have to have done on them. Boeing needs to get the final type certification from the FAA (in about two weeks I think, perhaps less) then they have to go through the standard Boeing and customer test flights another 2 to 3 weeks. then they can be dleivered just as long as there are no issues.

  3. wow nice update! I had a question btw, why are there only 2 planes in production on the Charleston line (position 1 and 3)? why not 4 + arriving parts like in everett?
    Anyway thanks for the great info!

  4. ZA236 arrived at Everett 2 hours ago on a near exact 4 hour flight. Excellent reporting as always Uresh. Thanks!

    Also, can you confirm reports that of Pat Shanahan saying LN70 will be the first no re-work frame?

  5. All Feb del now CANCELLED. MAR Schedule:

    JA806A DEL MAR-16.

    JA822J DEL MAR-31.

    JA825J DEL MAR-31.


