Saturday, November 27, 2010

First production 787 with Engines out on Boeing flight line

Boeing has rolled out the first production 787 to be equiped with engines to the flightline. The Trent 1000 powered 787 (LN 9, ZA102) spent months being prepared for first flight in Boeing's final assembly hall. It will be the first production 787 to fly and will undertake ETOPS, funtionality and reliabilty as well as a host of other tests. The results will be then compared to similar test already flwon by the 787 teswt flight fleet. It was to have its first flight this months but given the upheaval in the 787 program bought on by the fire on ZA002, that time line is in flux. A second production 787, ZA101, is also being fitted with its Trent 1000 engines and will perform ground tests at Everett.

Matt Cawby got some great photos and video of ZA102 at the compass rose at Everett.

Matt Cawby: Paine Field, November 26, 2010


  1. Hi Uresh,

    What about the interior of this first production 787 ? Is it fully equiped (seats etc...) ?

  2. Yes it doees have a full interior though I'm not sure if everything is inthere (i.e In flight entertainment, galley,et.). I'm assuming that Boeing would want to have a full customer interior for 1) test to see how much power the aircraft uses with the interior and to make sure that customer interiors integrate well within the airframe 2) get an idea of fuel burn with a true production standard aircraft with no test flight equipement on board.

  3. Ok, thank you. I hope that Boeing will release some pictures of the full interior !

  4. LN8 is ZA101 isnt she?

    At one stage LN9/ZA102/N6066Z was to be first production aircraft to fly, has that changed?

  5. Ugh, you're right, LN9/ZA102 is the production airplane to fly tewt flights not LN8/ZA101...that aircraft will be used for ground tests and will also be equipped with the Trent 1000s.

  6. Yeah it looks like LN8/ZA101 is the aircraft that was rolled out with engines in the full ANA livery.

    LN7/ZA100 and LN9/ZA102 are painted white with only the ANA tail. There was a pic on Matt Cawbys site a couple of weeks ago of LN9 inside building 40-24 with engines visible.

    Also GEnx engines are being installed on LN23 as well. It gets confusing after a while!

  7. am I the only one who can no longer see the excel tables that track flight testing?

  8. I still see them on the bottom of the blog. Just make sure that you go to the bottom of the main blog page.
