Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Boeing and Rolls Royce move to put Trent 1000 issues behind them

Boeing and RR execs are meeting today and tomorrow to review the way forward with the Trent 1000 after the uncontained failure in early August.

In an article on Bloomberg News, Rolls Royce will be presenting Boeing 787 executives with their plan to fix the Trent that would not put the first delivery, scheduled for mid February 2011, in jeopardy. Boeing, presumably knowing some of the general facts of the plan said that they believe they will be ok after getting the detailed briefing.

Susanna Ray: Boeing Scrutinizes Rolls Recovery plan for 787 Dreamliner Jet

Lastly, Dominic Gates of the Seattle Times, has an article out talking about the 787, 747-8 problems and the re-engining of the 737.

Dominic Gates: Albaugh hopeful on engine fixes for delayed 787

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