Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I just received more updated information on ZA006. This 787 is now not expected out at the fuel dock until August 30th and will be there until September 3 at which point it will go to stall 103 on the Boeing flightline. No word on first flight for this airplane but it is now expected in very late September at the earliest.


  1. Thanks Uresh for this update.
    Could you please explain to me what is exactly the fuel dock ? Why does a plane stand so long (3 or 4 days) in it ?
    Thanks in advance,


  2. That's where all new airplanes coming off the assembly line have their fuel systems tested. The test aer usually a few days long.

  3. Cant wait to fly on the 787. It seems to be a new concept for passenger comfort. and I hope it lives up to its expectations. I am trying to build a home cockpit of a 737. some if any of you guys out there have any advice for me or if you know anyone that can help please visit me at

    Many thanks
