Tuesday, May 25, 2010

787 heading for the East Coast

Boeing is sending a 787 to the East Coast for the first time. Oddly, though, ZA001 left from McChord Air Force Base and is flying to Robins Air Force Base. I'm not sure why it's flying from one USAF base to another so if someone out there does now, please let me know.

Flightaware ZA001 flight plan

Oops, ok thanks to Susanna Ray at Bloomberg, I am reminded that Boeing did send the 787 to Florida though it was the Florida panhandle! ZA001 is flying to Georgia so I guess we could say that it's heading to the Atlantic Coast.


  1. Was out walking the dog in Colorado Springs, CO. Noticed an A/C flying low and slow, wheels down about 8 miles south of Peterson Field. Stopped to watch as A/C are usually much higher on departure by the time they get to my area. Saw the 787 on the tail. A/C departed to the east still with wheels down. About 20 minutes later he came back, this time flying an approach profile to Peterson but with the wind, not into it.

  2. Are we sure that it was a 787 (flying to Georgia) ???
    Because today, ZA001 is flying around Seattle...

  3. Apparently ZA001 did not fly to Georgia...it was a FLightaware mistake and Boeing confirmed that it did not fly yeasterday.
