Monday, February 22, 2010

ZA001 experiences in flight engine power loss

According to Randy Tinseth in a blog post, ZA001 experienced an uncommanded loss of thrust in one of the Trent 1000 engines.

According to Tinseth: "We located replacement parts and then got the parts and the right crew to Moses Lake - beginning the maintenance activity on Saturday. Later that day, we ran the engines to confirm that the replacement had been done correctly and that there were no anomalous readings. So, Sunday morning, we flew home. The airplane is going through the maintenance and pre-flight work that would have been done had it arrived back at Boeing Field on Friday evening. I can tell you that ZA001 will soon return to flutter testing."

Randy Tinseth: ZA001 Status

Randy Tinseth says that the problem was in a pressure sensing unit in the engine. The unit was replaced and tested. ZA001 subsequently flew back to Boeing Field on Sunday afternoon after Boeing and Rolls Royce work through the issue. The aircraft is subject to more testing but it does sound like it was an issue that is not major. Guy Norris writing in his blog at AvWeek said that this may delay ZA004's first flight which is schedule for today as well as a delay for the 6th flutter test to be flown by ZA001 (to be flown today but now will be postponed until further tests are done on the ground). If the flight of Dreamliner 4 is postponed then the photoshoot with RC501 and ZA004 will be delayed until the next most opportune time for Boeing. RC501 should be lifting off at around 9AM this morning (local time) according to Guy where it will fly to Moses Lake where it will be stationed for the next several weeks while it undergoes Initial Airworthiness Flight Tests. Guy also reported that ZA002 will be conducting some taxi tests as part of nose wheel steering tests.

Guy Norris: 787 hits engine snag, 747-8 returns to flight

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