Friday, January 1, 2010

Where are the 787s in the New Year?

Future of Flight Photo

Now that the 787 flight test program is well underway, let's update where the fleet is.

LN1 (ZA001) Boeing Flight Test Center, Boeing Field - in flight test
LN2 (ZA002) Boeing Flight Test Center, Boeing Field - in flight test
LN 3 (ZA003) Boeing Paint Hangar, Paine Field (completed Side of Body modifications undergoing fuel tank aqueous wash and painting)
LN 4 (ZA004) Building 40-24, Paine Field (Completed Side of Body modifications, undergoing reassembly after fuel tank aqueous wash and painting)
LN 5 (ZA005) In ATS Hangar
LN 6 (ZA006) In ATS Hangar
LN 7 (ZA100) Boeing Everett Flightline awaiting side of body modification
LN 8 (ZA101) Boeing Everett Flightline awaiting side of body modification
LN 9 (ZA102) Boeing Everett Flightline awaiting side of body modification
LN 10 (ZA103) Building 40-24, Paine Field awaiting side of body modification
LN 11 (ZA104) Building 40-26, position 4 undergoing final assembly
LN 12 (ZA105) Building 40-26, position 3 undergoing final assembly
LN 13 (ZA115) Building 40-26, position 2 undergoing final assembly
LN 14 (ZA116) Building 40-26, position 1 undergoing final assembly
LN 15 (ZA117) Building 40-26, position 0 parts arriving in preparation for Final Assembly


  1. Hi.
    Are you able to confirm that ZA102 is yet to have the SOB modification? She spent some time in the ATS hangar after leaving 40-26 according to Flightblogger.

  2. The flight test aircraft have priority for the SOB mods before the production aricraft since Boeing needs to get all 6 test flight airplanes in the air as soon as possible. ZA102 will get the mods done after all the airplanes needed for flight testing have received them.

  3. Hello, I don't think your LN numbers are correct ans there should be a jump in the sequence:
    LN 12 is ZA105
    LN 13 is ZA115
    LN 14 is ZA116
    LN 15 is ZA117


  4. You're probably right as I don't have the updated ZA numbers for each line number (LN).

  5. Hello, still trying to figure out the LN # for N6066Z?

  6. Not sure but must be either LN 8 or LN 9

  7. Hello Uresh.

    Any news of 747-8 first flight?

  8. Right now I'm hearing the 14th of January but that is slipping. Might be on the 21st.
