UPDATE (11/22/2009): ZA002 has been moved out to the Everett flightline and it seems that all the wing to body fairings have been reinstalled indicating that reassembly tasks maybe complete. See a picture of the Everett flight line by clicking here.
Flightblogger posted a great summary of where all the 787s are and the status of each aircraft
ZA001/LN1 : In paint hangar undergoing reassembly and should move to building 40-24 (767 line) this weekend to complete those reassembly tasks
ZA002/LN2 : Finish modifications and is in building 40-24 for reassembly tasks
ZA003/LN3 : In building 40-24 under going side of body modifications
ZA004/LN4 : At the ATS Hanger under going side of body modifications
ZA005/LN5 : On the Everett flightline awaiting it's turn for side of body modification
ZA006/LN6 : On the Everett flightline awaiting it's turn for side of body modification
ZA100/LN7 : On the Everett flightline awaiting it's turn for side of body modification
ZA101/LN8 : On the Everett flightline awaiting it's turn for side of body modification
ZA102/LN9 : At the ATS Hangar awaiting it's turn for side of body modification
ZA103/LN10 : In building 40-26 undergoing final assembly
ZA104/LN11 : In building 40-26 undergoing final assembly
ZA105/LN12 : In building 40-26 undergoing final assembly
ZA115/LN13 : In building 40-26 undergoing final assembly
ZA116/LN14 : Parts are arriving (horizontal stab and wings in da house)
Flightblogger : Getting Oriented
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