Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finally some 787 News

Well after a few weeks without any news of the 787's journey to first flight, Guy Norris at AWST put a posting this evening saying that Boeing is targeting a first flight for late December. Work is still not yet done on ZA001 and there is the validation work yet to be done on ZY997 which is the static test air frame. According to Guy, Boeing hope to get renewed gauntlet testing underway on ZA001 around Thanksgiving time in late November.

Assuming that the FAA and Boeing are in agreement on the fix and pre-flight gauntlet testing goes well, Boeing would be looking at first flight around Christmas time. Stay Tuned!

Late December First Flight Targeted for 787

Also Flightblogger has a great posting on Spirit and its delivery of the nose section of the 787. In his post, Flightblogger is reporting that Spirit will deliver 10 787 sections this year and will restart production of the fuselage barrels later this quarter to prepare for the ramp up to full production.

Spirit to deliver 10 787 shipsets

787 First flight a month away

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