Friday, June 5, 2009

Guy Norris: Boeing into final aspects of intermediate gauntlet tests

Guy Norris is reporting that intermediate gauntlet testing is entering its final stages with blocks 17 and 18 completed last night and blocks 19 through 21 to be performed today into the night tonight. Blocks 19 and 20 specifically are geared to run through tests that would be performed during first flight. These blocks relate to refining the flight control software during the first flight.

ZA002 will be testing part of the navigation system called the earth reference system (ERS). Hopefully this airplane should be towed out to the fuel dock to go through fueling tests. I believe that ZA002 is still slated to fly about 3 weeks after ZA001. This could put ZA002's first flight around the first week of July.

ZA003 flight crew is undertaking more simulation training in the ITV, specifically on handling smoky situations arising from the forward and aft cargo bulk holds.

Guy's 787 Update #24

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