Thursday, August 14, 2008

Update on large 787 order to be announced

Earlier this week I got information that there will be an announcement of a new 787 operator by around mid-September. Well I've been digging and digging and so far I'm half way to China!

While I've been unable to find out who the new purchaser is I can reveal that the customer who ordered the 23 787 that Boeing booked in January 2008 had ordered two 787 earlier and that those two 787 are for the same unidentified customer. So in a way the customer is not a new customer because they had placed an earlier order for two frames but they are a new operator that has yet to be revealed. So this unknown new operator does have 25 787s on order.


  1. So is this rumor dead? Any update on the 787 program?

  2. I've been wondering that too. My money is still on Air Canada until proven otherwise...
