Tuesday, April 14, 2015

787 April 2015 Mid Month report

For quite some time most 787 deliveries have been concentrated at the end of the month but thus far in April Boeing has delivered 3 787s and will probably deliver one more at the end of this week.  Having deliveries more spread out during the month would help Boeing reduce cost that comes when deliveries are “bunched up” at the end of month and the need for overtime to prepare these airplanes for delivery.

It’s no secret that Boeing’s first quarter deliver numbers were probably hurt by the Zodiac seat fiasco that delayed delivery of several 787s most notably to American Airlines.  Currently there are 4 787s for AA that appear to be ready for delivery (all four have had their first flights).  One is still stored in Victorville, Ca (contrary to press reports) and 3 others are in Everett with 2 having had their first flights this past weekend.  We should see two more 787-9s delivered by the end of April as well as 9 more 787s handed over to customers in addition to the 3 already delivered but that includes the 4 for American Airlines and 1 for Jetstar which has yet to make its first flight.  The total number of deliveries could be as low as 7 for the month of April if Boeing fails to deliver to AA and Jetstar. 787-8 make up the deliveries thus far and I expect Boeing to deliver 10 787-8 and only 2 787-9s in April.

Production continues at the 10/month pace.  As I reported earlier, Boeing rolled out the 300th 787 built (a 787-9 for Vietnam Airlines) which is an important milestone (#400 should roll out around February of next year and #500 around Dec. 2016/Jan. 2017). A 787-8 for PrivatAir should start final assembly later on this month.  Boeing will (or has started) final assembly on 4 787-9 and 6 787-8.

During the past year or so I also have highlighted the efficiency of the 787 production system (or lack thereof at times).  During the first quarter, both the Everett and Charleston plants had an efficiency ratio of 1 with Charleston rolling out 9 and delivering 9 airplanes.  Everett rolled out 21 and delivered 21 787s.  Everett had delivered only 4 787 in January but made up the slow delivery rate in February and March. Thus far in April, Boeing has rolled out a total of 5 787s while delivering 3 for an efficiency ratio of 1.67.

One programming note: I will not make this into a paysite (yay) but I will publicly call out those who will use the information that is on my blog and not give proper credit.  I hope that such public shaming will force these people to change their behavior.  Thank you all for the support and encouraging messages.

787 Full Production Table
787 Build Location By Operator 
787 Build Location By Customer


  1. Hi Uresh, thank you for keeping the site open, and don't hesitate to point out people stealing your work. You can open a Hall of Shame!

  2. Hi Uresh, good idea SHAME all this CHEAP COWARDS

  3. Uresh,
    I hope the comments werent aimed at me or my ste, but as you have had a go in the past i wouldnt put it past you.
    and for your information your site is listed on the credits and thanks page which can be found at http://www.b787register.com/credits.php

    you still owe me an apology by the way for the comments you made last year ....

  4. Uresh,
    I hope the comments werent aimed at me or my ste, but as you have had a go in the past i wouldnt put it past you.
    and for your information your site is listed on the credits and thanks page which can be found at http://www.b787register.com/credits.php

    you still owe me an apology by the way for the comments you made last year ....

  5. Just curious. Read an article on WCARN.com today which said Hainan has taken delivery off all 10 787-8 airplanes but has one stored in teh USA - B-2750. any idea why it is stored?

  6. Hi Uresh, just a thank you for keeping this open to all... I hope your plan works and we'll keep on the lookout for cheaters.

    Do you know if there is any meaning that the 2 early-builds that have been sold to Air Austral have been designated ZD-001 & 002 rather than high ZA numbers? Wouldn't that normally go to a new variant?

  7. Larmeyers,
    it is apperently due to all the ZA numbers being assigned. I'm not sure but 90 percent sure, I think that some ZA batches where assigned to the 787-3 hence the high usage of these number assignments.

  8. B-2750 is stored due to se as t or financial issues I'm not sure which

  9. Both Hainan 787s have now been physically delivered with the last leaving CHS this morning via Boeing Field.

  10. Any word on when the South Carolina paint shop will come online?

  11. Hi Uresh. Do you know if there is a complete list of 787 parts by supplier posted anywhere online?

  12. Hi Uresh, thank you for doing such a great job with this blog. Do you know if there is a full list of 787 parts by suppliers that has ever been published online?

  13. So given the United up-gauge of 10 B787 aircraft to B777, and American pushing back delivery of 4 more 787s in 2016 for a later delivery, I wonder if Boeing is making room for early deliveries as part of a big ready-to-be-signed 787 order... maybe announce at the Paris air show in 2 months?


    And glad to hear you're keeping this blog open... in the end, the true 787 enthusiasts will always know and support you

  14. So just clarifying..you don't have lists of all the suppliers?

    Also, every thought of putting a PayPal donate button on your page, like KPAE.blogspot does...I would donate some cash to you.

    Al - Australia

  15. Correct I don't have a list of 787 suppliers. I'm not really looking to make money off the blog but I appreciate the support!
