Tuesday, February 17, 2015

787 February 2015 Mid Month Production and Delivery Report

A little more than halfway through February and Boeing has been producing 787s at the expected rate but  delivering aircraft to customers at a snails pace.  Through today, Feb. 17th Boeing has delivered 3 787s to customers.  They have started final assembly on 6 aircraft and rolled out another 5.

One bright spot is that Boeing is not sending the newly rolled out aircraft to the EMC which indicates that traveled work is less of an issue. Another bright spot is final assembly times.  These are trending downward with 787s from Everett now taking about 31 to 33 days for final assembly from 42 to 47 days while Charleston built 787s are at around 42 to 45 days down from 51 to 59 days.  Clearly the aircraft are coming out more complete and both Everett and North Charleston facilities are now getting more comfortable with the production process ahead of the planned increase to 12/month next year.

However, the trouble still lies in the delivery rate.  With only 10 aircraft delivered in 2015 it is way to low even for Boeing to meet its guidance of 120+ 787 deliveries.  Granted there are the usual delays because certain airlines continue to have issues like Qatar Airways that has 2 scheduled for delivery or Air India with their typical incompetent management trying to find financing for the delivery of a single aircraft.  It does appear that the bulk of 787 deliveries will again occur within the last week of the month.  I'll report back in early March to see how they did.

787 Full Production Table
787 Build Location By Operator 
787 Build Location By Customer


  1. Uresh, congrats on your 7 millionth page view!! As I write this there are 105 Dreamliners in the air on revenue flights representing 28 different carriers from every continent. We've had a great story to watch from the beginning of this game-changing story to now. Thanks for making it fun to watch.

  2. Uresh,

    Reports are that Ethiopian may scoop up the remainder of the terrible teens.


    Thanks for all of your hard work on this blog. I really enjoy following it.

  3. Uresh:

    You got a mention on Bloomberg here:



    (h/t to Skyscraper City 787 forum)
