Saturday, September 29, 2012

787 production update

Not much has changed in the last few weeks.  Boeing seems to working the change incorporation program in reverse numerical order with airplanes 10 to 19 seemingly slated to be be the last batch to go through the EMC.

Boeing did get one 787 (for Ethiopian) done with change incorporation but that aircraft, ZA261 (LN 44, ET-AOP), is now back at the EMC. Over the last couple of days, media reports said that there is a second 787 that had a cracked fan mid-shaft. I believe that this Ethiopian Dreamliner is that aircraft and is back at the EMC to have a replacement engine fitted.  Once this airplane has cleared out I expect that ZA381 (LN 36) for China Southern will take its place to begin change incorporation.

Boeing did move ZA260 (LN 39, ET-AOO) to the EMC to start the change incorporation process in the meantime. Also a litle interesting is that two airplanes on the final assembly line seemed to have switched places.  ZA432 (LN 79) for Hainan Airlines and ZA271 (LN 78) for LOT Polish Airlines were in positions 3 and 4 respectively in building 40-26.  Now they seemed to have reversed positions.  The only reason I can think of is that Boeing may not have space and wanted to complete work on the Hainan Dreamliner before rolling both airplanes out to the flightline to start pre-flight.  Currently in 40-26 there are 4 airplanes occupying all four assembly positions as well as one 787 in 40-24 occupying the first assembly position on the surge line in that building. I do expect to see a line move early next week.

Lastly, I can't confirm if any more 787s have been delivered in the last couple of days but evidence does point to Air India taking delivery either tomorrow (Sunday, Sept. 30) or Monday (Oct. 1) of ZA237 (LN 46, VT-ANI) which is the 1st 787 built by the Boeing Charleston team.  Rumor has it that Jim McNerney will be there to celebrate the first 787 (really the first Boeing commercial airplane) built outside of the Puget Sound region.  It will be more of a celebration of that fact rather than a celebration of Air India receiving another 787.  A second Charleston built 787 left this afternoon for Ft. Worth to be painted joining an Everett built 787 for Ethiopian already there. I expect the Ethiopian Dremaliner to fly back in the next 2-3 days and the Air India 787 to return to Charleston in the next 10-14 days.


  1. Uresh,
    You have that 26 birds have been delivered, is that the Air India VT-ANI bird? However, on flight aware they don't show VT-ANI at all but they have BOE237. Also I see 3 birds having been brought to Fort Worth for painting in the last 2 days.

  2. ANI is being delivered tomorrow. Therea ren't 3 787s in Ft. Worth, count again, there's only 1.

  3. l/n 80 is visible from the viewing gallery so is no longer in position 1 in 40-24

  4. Ok, flight aware was messed up earlier with Fort Worth but is now showing only 1. Thanks

  5. Al Baker is finally speaking his mind and in some ways I dont blame him, others I do not but at the end of the day his planes are still not delivered when they were supposed to be quite a few months ago, any update as to when this will be? any the pending slow down of work or strike action from the engineers is only going to make things worse. Boeing has a long way to go to make peace with airlines and get the 787 moving as it should be.

  6. Uresh,
    I noticed that you changed LN 6 to dark green signifying that it is in change incorporation and re-work in San Antonio. Any idea when LNs 4-6 will be delivered and to which customer? Thanks.


  7. All over the news sites this morning. Al Baker is saying no Qatar 787's until the engine problem is fixed.

  8. Opening the debate over the Oct/Nov deliveries...

    My calcs (not based on delivery dates, customer expectations, engine problems etc) show a best case scenario of 7 in Oct and 7 in Nov (which would take total to 38 by 31/Nov).

    AI/46 - Ready to go
    QAT/58 - Ready to go
    ETH/71 - Ready to go
    ETH/75 - 3rd Week
    AI/54 - 3rd/4th Week
    QAT/64 - 3rd/4th Week
    LAN/74 - 3rd/4th Week

    CSN/43 - 1st Week
    AI/60 - 1st Week
    HAI/73 - 1st Week
    QAT/57 - 2nd/3rd Week
    ANA/63 - 2nd/3rd Week
    LOT/61 - 3rd/4th Week
    ETH/44 - 3rd/4th Week
    UAL/77 - 4th Week


  9. you have 8 listed for November.
