Monday, April 12, 2010

Flightbloggers 787 updates

Jon Ostrower aka Flightblogger had a couple of cool (one literally) posts that is 787 related.

The first one dealt with the paint scheme for JAL's first 787 which is currently in final assembly. The color scheme is based from drawing submissions from local children. Check it out:

Flightblogger: 1st JAL 787 livery

The 2nd post is concerns cold soak testing for the 787. Flightblogger says that ZA003 may be flying soon to Elgin Air Force Base's McKinley Climatic Lab on the Florida pan handle to conduct cold soak testing. Moreover, ZA003 might be departing for the cold soak testing as early as April 18th (next Sunday). As part of the required certification testing, the aircraft must be able to withstand temperatures of around -40 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Flightblogger: Answering the 787 cold soak question once and for all

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